Communities in Debate
YDA Affinity Groups
The Yale Debate Association proudly supports Affinity Groups (YDAffinities) for members of different underrepresented groups in debate! We are proud to cultivate a community of support and belonging and embrace how our differences are what make the organization the thriving group that it is.
GMs is a place for all women, non-binary, transgender, and gender minorities to hang out and support one another. Join us for lunches, hang outs, and good times!
In the POC affinity groups, anyone who is a person of color or URM (under-represented minority) can join us for vibes, meals, and chats!
Yale is an international university, and the YDA is excited to be an international debating group! The YDA knows that being an international student comes with unique challenges, and being a debater from outside the US also does. If you’re an international student considering joining the YDA, know there’s a space to get all your international student questions answered (or hang out, that works, too!).
Join the Jewish Members of the Yale Debate Association (lovingly called YDJews). We’re excited to have you join our affinity group!
Welcome to the First Generation and/or Low-Income Affinity Group! Being FGLI at college is hard, and we’re here to support all of our amazing members. If you identify as FGLI, please stop by and vibe with us!
Called #ydgays (we welcome all queer identities!), this fun and quirky group loves chatting about random topics over brunch (cliche, yes, but hey, free brunch!)