welcome ydalumni

welcome ydalumni

Welcome to the 2025 YDA Alumni Reunion!

April 5th-6th, 2025 | New Haven, CT

Celebrating 117 years of YDA history.

What to look forward to…

Led by Josh Leffler and Hiroko Kawase, embark on a guided walkthrough revisiting classic Yale architecture and exploring our shiny new additions to campus—Benjamin Franklin College, Pauli Murray College, the Humanities Quadrangle, and more—with a special emphasis on YDA-related history!

Want to meet new members of the YDA? Eager to impart your wisdom on YDA youth? Excited to make friends over debate, career paths, interests, and hobbies? Sign up for an Intergenerational YDA Mixer by filling out the form below, and we will pair you with one or more YDAers to chat with based on your responses! Whether you decide to grab coffee or a treat together at one of New Haven’s many cafes (we have recs too!) or simply meet up to chat, we hope you reconnect with old friends and meet new ones!

* Please sign up by 11:59 PM ET on March 29th so that we have time to match responses and pair you.

Witness YDAers past and present battle wits at the feature event of the reunion—the Alumni vs. Current YDA Debate! Our alumni lineup, Krista McGruder ‘96 and Jerry Vildostegui ‘96, will be facing off with our current YDA team, Teddy Tawil ‘25 and Naz Soysal ‘26, in an APDA round. Followed by dinner and drinks at Chef Jiang New Haven!

We invite suggestions for the topic until 11:59 PM ET on March 22nd, which can be submitted here. We ask that they be serious in nature.

**Coming soon**