The Yale Association of Debate Alumni
The Yale Association of Debate Alumni is an organization run by alumni who have an interest in strengthening the bonds between current and former members of the team. YADA has been growing ever since the Centennial Reunion in 2008, as dozens of members have expressed interest in joining.
The organization hosts social gatherings for alumni and allows current YDA members to contact former members of the team. As current team members update alumni on their recent events and successes, we hope that YADA will serve as a mechanism for alumni to share their experiences and values in helping to shape the team's course. As a young organization, YADA is receptive to your suggestions and ideas for improvement. Please join us in developing this project!
To join YADA, please send an email to our Development Director (ely.altman@yale.edu).
Alumni Decade Representatives:
If you have additional questions, please contact your decade representatives or one of our team members:
Classes of the 1950s and earlier:
Bob Weinberg ('53), rlweinberg@aol.com
Classes of the 1970s:
Alan Yuspeh ('71), alan.yuspeh@hcahealthcare.com
Richard Lincer ('75), rlincer@cgsh.com
Julia Vance Carter ('75), juliavancecarter@aya.yale.edu
Classes of the 1980s:
Timothy Macht ('87), tmacht@gmail.com
Tamar Gendler ('87), tamar.gendler@yale.edu
Classes of the 1990s:
Krista McGruder ('96), krista.mcgruder@jpmchase.com
Jerry Vildostegui ('96), jerry@aya.yale.edu
Classes of 2000 and beyond:
Andrew Korn ('05), andrew.korn@gmail.com
Aaron Zelinsky ('06), aaron.zelinsky@yale.edu
Sarah Marberg ('06), sarah.marberg@gmail.com