Our Selection Process

Tryouts are now closed for the 2023 novice class.

Each fall, the YDA selects first-years and sophomores to form a new class of Yale debaters. 

The try-out process will consist of two rounds:

  1. The First Round involves a 5 minute written component and a 4 minute speech with 5 minutes of preparation. Applicants will be given prompts and asked to generate arguments for and against the provided topics.

  2. The Second Round is another speech in the same format as the first round with different times.

Our tryout process is designed to gauge how you think through, generate, and present arguments. We are not expecting specific debating jargon or stylistic practices.

Don't worry if you've never debated; we've turned more than a few complete beginners into national champions.

Most importantly, we look forward to meeting you!